VIIIth Congress of Medical Polonia in Krakow, Poland
VIIIth Congress of Medical Polonia with participation of Polish physicians living and working abroad in different regions of the world was held on May 23-26, 2013 in Krakow, Poland.
The Congress was attended by more than 700 professionals from Poland and Polish physicians living and working abroad in different regions of the world (U.S., Sweden, Germany, France, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia and others). The Congress was managed by 16 medical associations from different countries.
VIIIth International Polonia Medical Congress with participation of Polish physicians living and working abroad in different regions of the world was held on May 23-26, 2013 in Krakow (Poland). VIIIth Kongres Polonii Medycznej 1.0 MB
I was invited to the Congress as a lecturer and a member of Scientific Committee. Within the framework of this Congress, the Allergological session was organized on 24 May inside the Wieliczka Salt Mine. I have presented the lecture “Dry aerosols in the treatment of rhino sinusitis and bronchial asthma”.
Very interesting report dedicated to development and achievements of speleotherapy, its interrelation with halotherapy and medical efficiency of Wieliczka salt mines was held by Professor Krystyna Obtulowicz.
I have already visited Wieliczka salt mine 5 years ago, but this time I was invited by mine’s director Mr. Jakub Czerwinski to visit several salt chambers and salt speleo-sanatorium accompanied by Ms. Olga Zych. Once again, I admired the enchanting beauty of the salt mines and the amazing beauty of salt crystals themselves. I was very lucky because one of these crystals was handed to me by a miner, who obtained it directly from the wall.
The “Wieliczka” Salt Mine Health Resort provides medical services in the Wessel Lake on Level III of the mine (135 m underground). During their stay in the salt sanatorium, patients (adults and children) are resting, reading, doing breathing exercises and kinesio-therapy. Prerequisite is medical supervision.
Salt speleotherapy (subterraneo-therapy) is certainly an attractive drug-free method for pulmonary rehabilitation patients. Therefore, people come here from different regions of Poland and other countries. But surely, we understand that the method is exclusive, and has limitations for wide application. That’s why experts at the symposium, recognizing the usefulness of speleotherapy, spoke that the method of halotherapy is a worthy development of this approach. It was emphasized that the obvious achievement of halotherapy is the possibility of choice of concentration of salt aerosol — dosage and administration.
Undoubtedly, the atmosphere of a symposium held in a mine 130 m below surface surrounded by massives of salt was unusual.
I hope that my cooperation with Polish colleagues will continue to grow and go on. (Attendance Certificate – Prof. Chervinskaya 0.5 MB
Halotherapy explained by its creator
Definition of the Controlled Halotherapy, dry salt aerosol, mechanisms of action, efficiency, and realization.
Featured publications on Halotherapy
Articles and publications on Halotherapy by prof. Alina V. Chervinskaya available for download in PDF-format.
Informational product HaloCARE™
Practical experience of the Controlled Halotherapy application based on the results of clinical studies.