Events of autumn 2014 in Russia

Together with the head of the department of otorhinolaryngology with clinic of the First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg Professor Sergei A. Karpischenko
I gave a lecture “Opportunities of Halotherapy in treatment of respiratory diseases”. The lecture presented summarized experience of application of Halotherapy for the pathology of upper and lower airways; it showed peculiarity of mechanisms of action of dry sodium chloride aerosol in diseases of ENT-organs.
ENT-professionals have been using Halotherapy since more than 20 years. The studies proved the effectiveness of the Controlled Halotherapy with certain concentrations of dry fine sodium chloride aerosol for the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, adenoiditis, pre- and post-surgical care of ENT patients.
From September 29 to October 2, 2014 the VI International Congress “Sanatorium rehabilitation, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with socially significant and occupational diseases” took part in Sochi at health resort “Akvaloo”. The congress was attended by leading experts of occupational pathology, cardiology, pulmonology, urology, immunology, orthopedics, traumatology et al. from different regions of Russia, working on issues of rehabilitation and recovery treatment.
I spoke on “Modern technologies in respiratory rehabilitation in sanatorium care” and was the moderator of the symposium “Current approaches to the health resort treatment and rehabilitation.”
During the Congress, postgraduate training of doctors was provided, at which I gave a lecture “Current aspects of application of Halotherapy in rehabilitation medicine.”
Halotherapy explained by its creator
Definition of the Controlled Halotherapy, dry salt aerosol, mechanisms of action, efficiency, and realization.
Featured publications on Halotherapy
Articles and publications on Halotherapy by prof. Alina V. Chervinskaya available for download in PDF-format.
Informational product HaloCARE™
Practical experience of the Controlled Halotherapy application based on the results of clinical studies.