Events of autumn 2013 in Russia
The major event took place in 24-25th September 2013 in Moscow: International Congress “Rehabilitation and Sanatorium Treatment 2013”. The Congress was organized by the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation. As in last year, Congress was attended by hundreds of experts in the field of rehabilitation, physiotherapy and rehabilitation medicine, physicians of various specialties (pediatricians, cardiologists, neurologists, pulmonologists, etc.) from numerous regions of Russia.
I spoke on topic “Modern technologies in respiratory rehabilitation in sanatoriums” at the symposium “The role and place of sanatorium treatment in medical rehabilitation”.

5th International Congress “Sanatorium rehabilitation, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with socially significant and occupational diseases”
On 7-10th October 2013 5th International Congress “Sanatorium rehabilitation, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with socially significant and occupational diseases”was held in Sochi, the host city of upcoming Winter Olympics.
It was attended by the major experts in occupational pathology and sanatorium treatment, leaders of specialized scientific research institutes, chief physicians and specialists of leading health resorts of Russian Ministry of Health and of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency.
I have made the report “Topical problems of respiratory rehabilitation in sanatorium environment”. Within the congress, postgraduate training of doctors was provided. I held a seminar-training for doctors on “Controlled respiratory environment in sanatorium rehabilitation”.
Following abstracts were published in Congress’s materials:
On October 17, 2013 St. Petersburg hosted Scientific-practical conference “Physical therapy in treatment and rehabilitation of patients with bronchopulmonary diseases”. It was organized by by the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Health Committee of Government of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg and Northwest Association of physiotherapy. Conference was attended by doctors of different specialties working in the field of pulmonology, pediatrics, physical therapy, and rehabilitation. I made a report “Modern technologies of respiratory hygiene and rehabilitation”.
In my reports made on these events, I recognized the importance of the problem of respiratory diseases, the need for early respiratory rehabilitation, topical application of methods of physiotherapy. I presented the results of the implementation of screening programs for early detection of respiratory diseases in people working in adverse conditions.
I reviewed medical rehabilitation technologies, which are most significant and effective for use in sanatoriums. Among them were the methods of physical training, different techniques of respiratory training, the use of breathing trainers.
A special role was given to methods that use inhalation of physical factors – controlled halotherapy, bio-controlled air-ion-therapy, hardware aroma-phyto-therapy. I presented scientific data on the effectiveness of controlled halotherapy and other methods of treatment for various respiratory diseases in adults and children.
Innovative technology of controlled halotherapy provides the possibility of permanent automatic control of microclimate parameters and the salt room itself using software and electronic system HaloCONTROL®.
Halotherapy explained by its creator
Definition of the Controlled Halotherapy, dry salt aerosol, mechanisms of action, efficiency, and realization.
Featured publications on Halotherapy
Articles and publications on Halotherapy by prof. Alina V. Chervinskaya available for download in PDF-format.
Informational product HaloCARE™
Practical experience of the Controlled Halotherapy application based on the results of clinical studies.